Monday, June 19, 2017

DIscussione n. 6: my errors

analyze your errors in the various compiti.
Do you see a pattern? Maybe a pattern of generic inaccuracy?
Is this problem going to be with you long-term or do you know how to handle it?
Give us an example and show how you are going to remedy the problem.
REPLY: share your method: how do you avoid making mistakes? What do you pay attention to?


  1. Based on the few compiti I've done so far, my main issue seems to be verb conjugations. I also have a few mix-ups with masculine/feminine wording.
    The problems seem easily remediable, though. I will simply study verb conjugations more closely. I will also study nouns more closely to better tell the difference between masculine and feminine nouns.

    For example, I wrote "con la familia" when I should have written "con la mia familia." I'll try to review verb usage and correct issues like this going forward.

    1. Example: Io abito in un casa.
      I should have said Io Abito in una casa

    2. I apologize the above reply was meant to be applied to My post not Joshua's.

      I think reviewing your HW and considering the first run as a "first" draft is important. Cross checking against the examples given to us in the particular section would help us avoid the common errors we have made thus far.

  2. I believe my mistakes in the previous Compiti have been primarily due to my effort to write in Italian as I would in English. I added prepositions where none were needed. I do not believe my verb conjugations were wrong often, nor did I make very many mistakes with regard to the masculine and feminine.
    I also added words we'd not yet covered in the course which was another mistake.

    I will be paying closer attention to the sentence structure as well as learning the proper placement of prepositions and where they are needed in Italian.

  3. Based on my past compiti so far, I don't believe that my errors are occurring in patterns. I think it is more of having to double check my answers. I assigned the feminine ending to the word "igiene" but I don't think it was on purpose. I also made a mistake with the verb conjugation of essere.
    Ex: Di che nazionalità è tu? should have been: Di che nazionalità sei tu?

    I believe that I know how to handle this problem. I will make sure to double and triple check all of my feminine/ masculine endings and verb conjugations.

  4. Looking back at my previous compiti, I do see some patterns with basic misunderstandings of when to use a vs in when describing location. I also neglected to put an ' after e when describing someone, such as lui e' Americano. I will be more careful in the future with reviewing my homework to make sure I don't make omissions with accent marks.

    1. I also have the same problem when describing location. I have fixed my errors by starting to write notes on the lessons in a notebook so it is easier for me to check if I am using the correct words before handing in my compiti.

  5. Looking at my past mistakes I see a pattern of adding an after lui/ lei. I will be more careful in the future. after reading other people's mistakes it seems that many people are having the same issue as me. it seems to be because english doesn't use accents or symbols over letters, adding the ' is not natural to us and must be something we constantly have to reminf ourselves to do.
    i will be more careful in the future

    1. My Italian name has an apostrophe at the end. Sometimes I remember to add it, sometimes I don't. I appear to be the only person in this class with an apostrophe in their name.

  6. I believe my mistakes are due to not double-checking my work. The pattern that I saw was based on a very small mistake of interchanging two words. I have to make sure to catch these small details.

    1. I agree with you Afiya, I believe my mistakes are due to not double-checking my work as well. I will check over my work and write on loose leaf paper as well.

  7. none of my assignments have been graded. Therefore I don't know my errors.

  8. After analyzing the errors in my compiti, I have realized that there is definitely a pattern. My mistakes have been caused by not double checking my compiti before submitting it. If I just took the extra time to even triple check my work, I believe that my errors will not be a long term problem.

    Example: Io non abito a New Jersey ; should have been...Io no abito in New Jersey.
    Remedy: Look into my notes and double check if I am using the right words.
