Sunday, July 2, 2017

Another example

30 giugno compito.
Task: practice verbi -ARE.  Create a table and save the doc as pdf.   Filename: your Italian name.
Could it be any simpler?
So, this is what I got:  
Two people forgot the little, insignificant detail about the filename. 
Was it the first time I ever required a specific filename for your work?
No. It happens with every single compito.
And yet, here we are again.
Now: how am I going to know whom those pdf's belong to?
Of course, I will have to open the file, find out who did them and CHANGE the filename (so when I check back to give a final grade I have the data I need).
BUT, wait a second. I did not require that you write your name at the top of the pdf. Therefore, I won't be able to tell who did it.

Which means I "should" go back to the email messages, find those with the attachments with wrong names, figure out who they were, and finally change the filename.
But why should "I" do it?
It isn't this something "you" were supposed to do?
Moreover: at least TWO students did not submit pdf's. One was an excel file, the other a regular .doc file.
What's the big deal, right?


  1. Not sure what the file type error was about...those may have simply been oversights, but the naming convention is an easy enough miss because you typically require files to be saved in a certain format.

  2. I am not sure what comment is expected here but I did read this blog and am clear about the naming conventions for files.

  3. I thought the directions pertaining to naming the pdf were easily to follow.
