Monday, June 26, 2017


Compito 23 giugno.

Two students did not write name and due date at the top of the page.

One student used last name instead of Italian name in the filename.

Stil,l several students still write   e    instead of the verb  é     

Still, several students do not include the input when they do the exercises.

Still, some students keep using formatting (bullet lists, etc.).

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Just a question

Is this what you want your life to be like?

Discussion 9: due June 26


1) using adjectives only IN ITALIANO, let us know what you think about this song.

You can divide the comments in two parts:
one, adjectives about the song (ex: deprimente)
two, adjectives about your reaction (ex.depresso/a)

2) In English: let the music reviewer in you take over and let it rip. 

REPLIES are welcome and encouraged.

Discussion 8: PARTNERS

If you are left without a partner because of a drop-out, find someone else. 

If everybody is paired-up, ask to form a group of three.

If you are mutually satisfied with your partner, stay where you are. If, however, you want to change, ask if someone else wants to hook up with you.

Everybody must have a partner (or two).

Below, each pair, post the composition of their partnership.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

My answer to exceptions

1. Requirement n. 1 at the beginning of the course was that you read the syllabus and affirm your commitment to following the rules.

I took your word at face value. You said you were willing to do it, now I expect you to do it.

2. I repeated the instructions in a video, available anytime you are unsure what to do.  Did you forget about the video? Should I remind you about the video on a daily basis?

I just checked and noticed that the video has been watched by a total of 8 viewers.

3. I post the format / formalities instructions in Task 1 in every compito.  Do you read them to remind yourself, or should I add another paragraph at the top, reminding you to read the reminder in task 1?
How many levels of reminders are required?

Re suggestions:

I should excuse late work. OK, but it's your responsibility to provide proof; it is not my job to remind you that you have to submit proof.

"Labeling": the first infraction should be forgiven. Which would mean that in case someone makes a mistake, I would have to go back and check every single compito to see if this is the first, second or third infraction.

Format (missing name/date on document): the first infraction should be forgiven. (See above)

Aside from the specific rebuttal to each issue:

1) You gave you word you would the work the way it should be done. Your word is your word.

2) You have (I hope) the bandwidth and sufficient power of concentration to follow basic instructions.

3) This is not the LIGHT version of a regular course.

4) In five weeks we are covering the material that is normally covered in a 14 semester week, 3 hours per week in class + homework.

5) Ask yourself what amount of time you are investing in this course, both to learn the material and to manage the formality aspects. Then compare to the requirements of a regular semester.

Last consideration. Comments about the Father Sarducci comedy lament the fact that college is too often about irrelevant information destined to be forgotten.

Many insist that there should be CRITICAL THINKING.

The number one rule of CRITICAL THINKING is: "Am I doing this right?"

You have to step outside your own dimension and see yourself from a different perspective. That's where critical thinking begins.

Leave a comment stating that you read this and that you are aware of its content.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Discussione n. 7: exceptions

I received complaints/exception requests for:

  • My grade was too low - I deserve more
  • I didn't use the correct email subject. So, what's the big deal?
  • I didn't use the correct filename. So, what's the bid deal
  • I didn't write name and due date at the top of the compito. So, what's the big deal?
  • I turned in my compito late. So, what's the big deal.
  • You question if I plagiarized. I owe you no explanation about how I found the stuff I put in the compito.


Which ones of these categories deserve an exception?  Which ones don't?  And, Why?

And feel free to debate via REPLY.

DIscussione n. 6: my errors

analyze your errors in the various compiti.
Do you see a pattern? Maybe a pattern of generic inaccuracy?
Is this problem going to be with you long-term or do you know how to handle it?
Give us an example and show how you are going to remedy the problem.
REPLY: share your method: how do you avoid making mistakes? What do you pay attention to?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Discussione 5: 19 giugno

Thinking about the comedy act by Father Guido Sarducci:
Is he right?
Is it possible to go through college and graduate without having learned practically anything?
And if someone managed to do it, would there be consequences?
COMMENT then REPLY to a comment that presents a different point of view.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Discussione 4: Your Italian name


COMMENT: write your 3-line autobiography (Name, I am, I live) in Italian. THEN, in ENGLISH.

REPLY: Reply to a classmate and ask if they want to be your potential partner (you can change it later) for class work, someone you will ask/answer questions with for practice.

Obviously, use your ITALIAN name.
And here is the pronunciation  LINK


Discussione 3: "Credibility"

Click this link and open the document.

How observant are you?
If you were the recipient of these messages, how would you react?

1) As you read these messages think about them in terms of "credibility."

2) Then, write your comments about what you learned.


  • Full, complete sentences. You are not sending a text or chatting on FB.
  • Accuracy in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation.
  • Civility.
  • Comments are conversations with your classmates. Make sure THEY understand what you are trying to say.
  • Do not address your comments to me. You are communicating with the rest of the class.

Discussione 2: "How dare you, professor?" Due June 8

Click this LINK and read the document.

Read the directions and write your comment. You can skip n. 1 if you are not comfortable disclosing your first reaction. If you are, go ahead and answer.  Everybody must address n. 2.

1) Analyze your first, immediate reaction.
2) Then, as a separate process, ask yourself the reason for this requirement.


  • Full, complete sentences. You are not sending a text or chatting on FB.
  • Accuracy in spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation.
  • Civility.
  • Comments are conversations with your classmates. Make sure THEY understand what you are trying to say.
  • Do not address your comments to me. You are communicating with the rest of the class.